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Solebury to Streamline Historic Homes Ordinance

View of Delaware River in Solebury Township, PA

View of Delaware River in Solebury Township, PA

Application for small home improvements and renovation projects in Solebury Townhip’s historic districts that don’t require permits could get a whole lot easier thanks to a fast-tracked and streamlined review process.

The Solebury Township supervisors will advertise a proposed ordinance focused on “in kind” building parts and materials that are exactly the same as original items in Solebury’s six historic districts:

  • Carversville
  • Centre Bridge
  • Cuttalossa
  • Lumberville
  • Phillips Mill
  • Upper Aquetong Valley

What is defined in the Solebury RRIK Ordinance?

The proposed Solebury Township proposed building ordinance defines “replacement-repair in kind (RRIK) in-kind repairs and in-kind replacements as “parts and materials that are exactly the same as original items in terms of appearance, materials, proportion, color and texture.”

Solebury Historic Architectural Review Board Project Review

The proposed fast-tracking process for Solebury historic building improvements requires building owners file an application with the Solebury Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB). The Solebury Historic Review Board has five days to determine if the project meets RRIK guidelines and an additional five days to approve or deny the project. cureently, the process takes 3-4 months.

View the Solebury Township Streamlined Historic Homes Repair and Replacement ordinance


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